Un accident rutier cu doi răniți a avut loc în București, în seara de Crăciun, iar polițiștii îl caută acum pe unul dintre șoferi, care a fugit de la locul cu pricina. Accidentul a avut loc miercuri seara, în jurul orei 21:50, pe bulevardul Bucureștii Noi din Capitală, în sectorul 1, implicând două mașini. Brigada […]
The text is likely an error message indicating that the request to access the webpage is being blocked due to exceeding the allowed rate of requests (429 Too Many Requests).
Despite the error, the accompanying Romanian text suggests that it's related to a breaking news story about an accident in Bucharest on Christmas Eve.
Unfortunately, the error message prevents access to the actual news content.
The text is likely an error message indicating that the request to access the webpage is being blocked due to exceeding the allowed rate of requests (429 Too Many Requests). Despite the error, the accompanying Romanian text suggests that it's related to a breaking news story about an accident in Bucharest on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, the error message prevents access to the actual news content.